Card Catalog Challenge @ DDS Library // September 1 through 25
The new Card Catalog Challenge is a ‘green’ event using twenty library catalog cards to create an art piece with the same cards that are now part of our online public access catalog. Back in the day, these cards were hand written/typed by catalogers and later machine processed to provide a record of what the library held in its collection. Now they are recycled cards whose text can be a part of a created art piece to be displayed in the Divinity Library art gallery during October. Prototypes are on display in the library to help give you ideas. Pick up your cards September 1st from the Circulation Desk. Deadline is Sept 25th. One entry per person, cannot be larger than “12 x 12 x 12″, don’t have to use all 20 but can’t use more, only acceptable text is what’s on the card, origami is okay, sculpture, painting or three dimensional work is fine, everyone gets 20 cards. Good luck!
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